Brief Development

This where we carry out research based on the needs assessment and test early ideas with potential users through engagements and workshops. This is also where we define project direction.


The purpose of brief development is to:

  • To make a clear definition between the Needs Assessment which is assumption laden and filled with secondary research and to take the project forward with primary research and engagement

  • Develop a realistic/achievable brief after the needs assessment is conducted - this is linked to Problem Definition

  • Collect all research conducted by the various team members and assimilate it in a logical narrative with a basic plan forward

  • Define the users we want to approach: (if we have users at hand then go straight to them, if not develop personas with the goal to find real users)

Note: The terms Needs Assessment & Brief Development are internal jargon used to define and separate project stages that we consider important.


What We Need To Do This



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