What do we do? (Services)

As a team we offer a range of different services and like to remain flexible in what we deliver. We are always open to new ways of working and thinking as long the end user needs come first.

Our Services

Here is an alphabetical list of our services. If you follow the hyperlinks in each service you will find these items in their sub domain themes according to whether they are UX, UI or Graphic Design tasks.

Please note that some tasks can walk a blurred line between those three sub domain themes.

Analytics assessment

Working with our project leads to set goal metrics, reviewing those with our analytics partners and helping implement any required changes.

See more here (UX)

Brief development

This is linked to Needs Assessments and is where we carry out research based on the needs assessment and test early ideas with potential users through engagements and workshops. This is also where we begin defining our project direction - which is subject to change as we learn more.

See more here (UX)

Data flow diagrams

Meeting with partners and/or team members to understand how data flows through a system and then document that flow in a way that makes sense to the person who will be viewing it.

See more here (UX) See more here (Graphic Design)

Develop user personas

Something like a profile card that represents our desired user that allows the team to emotionally attach to the type of person we are building the tool or product for.

See more here (UX)

Diagram creation

Meeting with partners and/or team members to understand what they need to express and then documenting need in a way that makes sense to the person who will be viewing it.

See more here (UX) See more here (Graphic Design)

Engagement (Primary research)

This is research conducted with actual or potential users of the tool or service being designed. The primary goal here is to co-design a solution by taking our understanding beyond empathy and testing our thinking with real people.

Heuristic evaluation of a website, system, tool or product

Testing a website or tool using a set of guidelines as a first pass to check that it complies with our basic usability principles. See more here (UX)

Needs assessments

This is an early engagement (or set of engagements) with our partner or client where we discuss what their needs are and what the perceived needs of their user are. These get investigated further during Brief Development.

See more here (UX)

Problem definition with Project Leads, users and partners

This is a task that is born from the Needs Assessment, validated through the Brief Development and solidified during the "Define" stage of the design thinking process.

See more here (UX)

Product branding

We don't typically do this in-house but it entails developing a look, feel and identity for a project that we are working on.

See more here (Graphic Design)


This stage entails evolving designs from wireframe to a buildable/testable Minimal Viable Product (MVP) which either is deployed via our dev team or Webflow, depending on complexity of the product or tool.

See more here (UX) See more here (UI)

Research (Users & design options)

This is a broad category that can encompass a wide range of tasks but all hinge around furthering our knowledge or skills related to the work that we do and how those outputs serve our users.

See more here (UX) See more here (UI) See more here (Graphic Design)

Site maps

This forms part of understanding how the different parts of a product or tool are interconnected and can be related to User Journey Maps.

See more here (UX)

User interface design

This is a broad term that describes how the design shifts from a wireframe or prototype to a usable, attractive interface that is brand related and ready for the end build phase either with the Dev team or via Webflow.

See more here (UX) See more here (UI)

User journey maps

While this task can be related to Site Mapping, it includes the emotional journey and path a user would take to perform their desired tasks which may be outside of the actual usage of the product or tool being developed by us.

See more here (UX)

User testing

User testing in our context generally refers to us asking a user or potential user to physically test and assess what we have built and to confirm or deny its appropriateness and usability.

See more here (UX)

Website development (Webflow)

We are able to implement some designs via webflow as testable Minimal Viable Products (MVPs), Proof of Concepts (PoCs) and sometimes as finished products based on the complexity of the product and suitablity of that application. We will generally turn to Webflow when a Content Management System (CMS) is needed.

See more here (UI)

Wireframes (Concept designs)

These are early stage designs that are meant to be devoid of character and express the flow and intended use of a site without the user becoming distracted about aspects like branding or button shapes and sizes etc.

See more here (UX)

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