How do you request something from us?

As the Design Domain see it as a privilege to be embedded in so much of what OCL does. We don't want to be blocks to your work so here are some of the best ways to communicate your needs with us.

Planned Project Work

  • The Domain Lead will work with Project Leads to scope their milestones in terms of project deliverables, most likely on a quarterly basis, with check-ins after each milestone completion. These sessions will be setup with assistance from the Traffic Manager.

    • As a note: if we are involved in your planning and strategy we can assist in shaping the direction of ideas via user research and needs assessment/identification etc.

Ad Hoc Requests

  • Ad hoc requests are welcome, as well, and the procedure will be as follows:

    • PL posts a problem / objective statement (as detailed as possible please), to the a_design channel or applicable project channel with @paul_f and @Megan Martin/ included on the message.

    • A Trello brief card will be created (and shared soon), that can be completed and then posted to the applicable channel for those comfortable with defining their requests directly.

    • Tasks to meet specific deliverables and milestones will be planned during sprint calls. If a new task is briefed in during a sprint, project leads may need to indicate an existing task that should be moved to the following sprint to cater for the new request, in the event that the sprint is full.

Last updated